Thursday 22 January 2009


IOI - Mall Saturday

The entire country has been taken for a ride now that the Highway Toll Agreements have been declassified. At a time of growing unemployment, this anger is going to snowball and spell the end of BN. This is something that goes beyond race.
The Malays are also facing hardships at this time. It is very clear that despite UMNO's claims to help the bumis, it is actually fleecing them. The term UMNOputra assumes important dimensions in this case. Behind all this is Mahathir's so called plan of helping bumi businessmen. Police brutality is the order of the day as usual. And they go unchecked!

Need more to explain What is TALK and what is DONE?
It began like this............

And end up like this..........................

Contributed by: Sobri X


  1. There is a serious media problem in this country. This goes without any news anywhere.

    Down with the PPPA and other restrictive acts (OSA, ISA, Emergency Ordinance, Dangrerous Drugs Act, etc.).

    Thanks to Beyond51 for reporting this. (even RPK and Malaysiakini do not have it ;)

  2. I agree with what have written above. I can be sure that Malaysia will `melahirkan polis yang agresif'!!! May be one day,Malaysia will become rubbish...Come on,lets support DAP,PAS,etc. BN is not your good selection.If you see someone support BN,please don't befriend wit him/her.
