As a young lad after graduation, eager, enthusiastic, equipped with knowledge and the "know how" I thought, I was ready to conquer the world - thats what my lecturers, examiner says or at least thats what the advetisements and colleges around the world promised.
After several years working from bottom rank, I began to see real differences between "Know how" and "Know what". Of course you'd learned many other new terminology as well, things like bottom-line and top-line, important-urgent, or urgent-important and the most curious word - "gray area?", in other word - Its the "thin line" thing
"Thin Line!"
What's that?! Shhhh...
Oh, thats a no no go
area, Don't asked.
Don't bring it up. Its the Gray Area.
As a good ole foot soldier, orders are orders. So, marched on people! You kind of add more new vocabulary in business world and often as a survival compass, one needs to don the right "suit" for occassions with "Upper people" Its the "Know Who". They will help you to get things done or gain that extra "favour".
Yes, its called Politics! Fortunately or unfortunately, its something our cultures are never familiar with. Politics in office are mostly discouraged on face value because it presents a negative conotation? [Side track - There are numerous books on office politics and I strongly advise all to get a copy of these book. One can get positive and a clear understanding on this subject that is so misunderstood!]
Anyway, as normal successesion move, I got promoted, leading a department by now and began climbing the coporate levels. Naturally, it comes along with more opportunities as well as problems-"Challenges" that comes in all forms and shapes. The higher you go, Decision making began to shift, not much, but significant seismic waves enough for Richter scale measurement. Often you were told that many reports that you either read or make have lots to do with .....
"Between the lines"! What that means, Things are not what they seemed! So much for simple Black and White.
Then came the late 80's, where "Globalization" hits the shore, as leaders then - Keeping abreast of world happenings is crucial than ever. As a multinational company, though trainings were provided they were often, at best "told" what and How it should be done. My curiousity and instict kicks into motion, to stay ahead and perhaps to think 'future vision' as well. My searched lead me to a fantastic findings. Its a book, written by Kenichi Ohmae. This must be one of the earliest book that provide the blueprint of whats in store for the future then.
"Things will never be the same again. Borderless will take on more than just Business and hardwares, to me its the mind and belief in the entire human system" - YC Tan
Globalization has been coined since the early 90's, and up till now, the entire impact still left some behind wondering what's happening. Never has this short 2 decades have seen so much changes and offer some much options that one can hardly make a difinite decision and says - Thats the best deal! You sure? Sure or not? Common verse.
This book open up unlimited opportunities as well as the pandorax box of things to come and to me, my immediate greatest concern then, was on Knowledge and human learning. The next big thing that pushes Globalization has to be the Internet! Don't get me wrong, Knowledge is certainly good but what proverbial experience has taught us that its also a double "edge sword."
- YC Tan
"Are you sure? Where and
Who told you so?"
Alright great, with the advent of computers and Internet, people began to merge and isolate themselves with endless hours of non-physical human contacts. Each thinking they are now smarter and more intelligent? First, the goody part of it. News and Info come on at an 'almost' instant! and updated versions informations as well, even before Corporate launchings. With all kinds of medias now attacking the humans mind about being the First..CNN?, Contact..Nokia?, and all other 'Kia-Soo" - [afraid of being a lagger], "Kia-Si" [ afraid of premature death ], and latest "Kia-Bo' [ afraid of being lack off..] products that are offerred everyday! Wow, must have to do with image or "class"? These and many more stuffs makes people happy and satisfy?
But wait!, whats the price? You mean there's free lunch? You tell me. I'am for the goodies but let us examine too, how and at what expense we are to trade off living this new life-style.
"Are we escaping or living in a cold isolated, non-physical, world or intial common bonding to warm relationship of society or are we missing a new senses of human kind?" - YC Tan
One thing is certain, the early simple Right and Wrong, Black and White, Day or Night, are now shaded with more grey areas. For now that changes is constant, as most capitalist preaches surely has a lot to justify in the way we lived today, and its not surprising to say the least. Thus , the picture now will look like....
"With so called 'Internet' knowledge
offered to individual and no time tested
leaders, the gray areas now dominates
between the 2 simple Black and White,
couple with 'between the lines",
curcumspect view becomes a suspect."
- YC Tan
- YC Tan
And finally into new millenium of 2000, having tasted the First line Manager post and looking back in retrospect, its indeed quite a journey in corporate world. We are now 2008, into 21st century, knowledge, human minds, plus day to day communication with peers, friends, or even family will proved to be the most challenging. And this is simply why.....
After each statement made.... [ The reply ]
"It depends......., Its subjective...., Its circumstantial..., Its the timing...,
Its conditional..., Its hard to say..,
Its relative........., and Its personal?
Thread carefully, gingerly,humbly, generously, patiently in moving ahead.
O the price for all this? Free! You just traded with time doing better thing than reading this thread, No? Thank goodness. Its all thought provoking stuff that I like to share. Sure, its a crazy world we are in. But whose complaining? The best has yet to come. We continue to thrive as our forefathers have done so its no different we will travel the same road but with different vehicles and by the way, your kids will also tell you - Our way today is more challenging and don't you disagree. Things changed but Time have not, No?
Contributed By Mind Matter
Stay tune for next topic on "Luck"
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